International Women's Day 2024: A Call for Inclusion and Sustainability

March 8th, marks International Women's Day 2024, a significant day that calls us to celebrate the remarkable achievements of women around the globe while advocating for greater equity, sustainability, and inclusion. As we gather, both in spirit and through our actions, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the strides we've made toward gender equality and the journey that still lies ahead.

It's a day to honor the resilience, strength, and diversity of women, including trans women and femmes, highlighting their vital contributions to our societies and the environment. This year, as we reflect on the theme of inspiring inclusion, we are reminded of the importance of weaving inclusivity into the fabric of our daily lives, ensuring that every woman's voice is heard and valued in the ongoing dialogue for a more equitable and sustainable world.


As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's also commit to being changemakers in our communities, advocating for policies and practices that promote gender equity and environmental stewardship. Honoring women's collective power today, let's envision a world where inclusivity and sustainability are not just ideals, but realities.


In the spirit of International Women's Day, EcoBlvd invites you to join our community of advocates. By signing up for our newsletter, you'll stay informed on how we're contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive world, and learn how you, too, can make a difference. Together, let's continue to inspire change and celebrate womanhood in all its forms.

The Importance of Inclusion in International Women's Day


International Women's Day (IWD) is more than just a date on the calendar; it's a vibrant global movement dedicated to celebrating the myriad achievements of women across social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. This day also casts a spotlight on the ongoing challenges women face in the quest for gender equity and inclusion. Originating in the early 20th century, IWD has roots deeply embedded in labor movements and has grown into a worldwide event that honors the diverse contributions of women toward forging a better world. The theme for IWD 2024, "inspiring inclusion," underscores the critical importance of embracing all expressions of womanhood, including the voices of trans women and femmes, in the dialogue on gender equality.


A Brief History


The inception of International Women's Day dates back to the early 1900s, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. The first National Woman's Day was observed in the United States on February 28, 1909, a day designated by the Socialist Party of America to honor the 1908 garment workers' strike in New York, where women protested against working conditions.


The idea to make the day international came from Clara Zetkin, a German socialist and advocate for women's rights, who proposed the concept in 1910 at an International Socialist Women's Conference in Copenhagen. The proposal was met with unanimous approval, leading to the first International Women's Day being celebrated in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland.


Key Figures and Milestones


Clara Zetkin played a pivotal role in establishing IWD. Her advocacy for women's rights and socialism helped to internationalize the day and link it with the fight for women's suffrage and labor rights.

Alexandra Kollontai, a Russian revolutionary, also contributed significantly to the spread and recognition of IWD. Following the Russian Revolution, Kollontai's efforts led to the day being officially recognized and celebrated in Soviet Russia and eventually in other communist countries.

The United Nations began celebrating IWD in 1975, which significantly boosted its recognition and observance around the globe. The UN's theme-based celebrations have helped focus attention on specific challenges and achievements related to women's rights and gender equality.


From National to International Recognition


What began as a national day of recognition in the United States quickly evolved into an international movement, transcending borders to unite women in their common struggle for equality, justice, and peace. Over the decades, IWD has become a day to take stock of the advancements made, call for changes, and celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played extraordinary roles in the history of their countries and communities.


Celebrating Every Woman


The emphasis on inclusivity during IWD 2024 is a reminder of the ongoing journey toward achieving gender equality for all women, regardless of their background, identity, or expression. It's a day to acknowledge the contributions of every woman to society's progress and to reaffirm the commitment to creating a world where every woman can live freely, safely, and to her fullest potential.


Inclusion as the Foundation of Equity and Sustainability


At its core, inclusion means acknowledging and valuing the varied experiences and identities of all women, and understanding that our differences make us stronger. The intersectionality of gender, race, sexuality, and class plays a significant role in how individuals experience discrimination and marginalization. By fostering an inclusive environment, we not only work towards gender equity but also contribute to the broader goal of sustainable development. Inclusion in the context of IWD means recognizing the contributions of every woman, including those from marginalized communities, and ensuring their voices are heard in the conversations that shape our future.


Strengthening Sustainability through Gender Equity


The fight for environmental sustainability is intrinsically linked to the pursuit of gender equity. Women, particularly those in developing countries and indigenous communities, are often on the frontlines of climate change, yet their contributions and leadership in environmental conservation are frequently underrepresented. Promoting inclusion within the environmental movement means elevating these voices and leveraging the unique perspectives and solutions women bring. It is through this inclusive lens that we can address the global challenges of climate change more effectively.


Celebrating Womanhood in All Its Forms


IWD 2024 is a call to action to celebrate womanhood in all its diversity, acknowledging the strength that comes from embracing all identities. It's about breaking down the barriers that divide us and coming together to support the rights and achievements of all women. This celebration is not just about recognizing the progress we've made; it's also about identifying the remaining gaps and committing to the work that still needs to be done to achieve true gender equity and inclusivity.


The Role of Allies in Promoting Inclusion


Allies play a crucial role in the movement towards inclusion and equity. It's important for individuals, regardless of their gender, to engage in conversations about gender equality, challenge discriminatory practices, and support policies that promote inclusivity. By working together, we can create a more equitable and sustainable world for everyone.

Women Leading the Charge in Sustainability

As we celebrate International Women's Day, it's crucial to highlight the women who are making significant strides in the realm of environmental sustainability. These leaders, activists, and innovators are not only championing the cause of the planet but are also paving the way for more inclusive and equitable participation in the sustainability movement. Their work transcends boundaries, showcasing the profound impact that women have in driving change and fostering a healthier environment.


Dr. Vandana Shiva - Champion of Biodiversity


Dr. Vandana Shiva, an Indian scholar, environmental activist, and food sovereignty advocate, has been a formidable force in promoting biodiversity and organic farming practices. Her work emphasizes the importance of preserving indigenous knowledge and practices, highlighting the critical role women play in sustaining rural economies and the environment. Through the Navdanya organization, she has empowered thousands of farmers, including women, to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, thus safeguarding biodiversity and promoting food security.

Elizabeth Wathuti - Voice for Reforestation


Elizabeth Wathuti, a Kenyan environmentalist and climate activist, has inspired a generation to take action against climate change through her reforestation efforts. As the founder of the Green Generation Initiative, she focuses on nurturing young environmental enthusiasts and has been instrumental in planting over 30,000 trees in Kenya. Her advocacy highlights the interconnectedness of climate action and community well-being, with a special focus on the inclusion of youth and women in environmental conservation efforts. Discover her initiatives through the Green Generation Initiative, focusing on nurturing young environmental enthusiasts.

Christina Figueres - Architect of the Paris Agreement


Christina Figueres, from Costa Rica, is widely recognized for her pivotal role in leading the global negotiations that culminated in the Paris Agreement in 2015. Her leadership and optimism in the face of climate challenges have been instrumental in uniting nations toward a common goal of reducing global carbon emissions. Figueres continues to advocate for urgent climate action and emphasizes the critical role of women's leadership in addressing climate change. Explore her leadership and advocacy at Global Optimism, a platform for environmental action.

Winona LaDuke - Indigenous Environmental Advocate


Winona LaDuke, an American environmentalist, economist, and writer, has dedicated her life to protecting indigenous lands and promoting renewable energy projects. As the executive director of Honor the Earth, she combines environmental advocacy with indigenous wisdom to champion sustainable development, focusing on projects that not only protect the environment but also empower indigenous communities, including women. Find out about her efforts at Honor the Earth, an organization dedicated to indigenous environmental advocacy.

The Intersection of Gender Equity and Environmental Sustainability

The quest for environmental sustainability and the fight for gender equity are deeply interconnected, each influencing the other profoundly. Understanding this intersection is crucial for addressing the dual challenges of climate change and gender inequality. As we celebrate International Women's Day, we must recognize that achieving sustainability isn't just about conserving resources and reducing emissions; it's also about ensuring that women have equal opportunities to contribute to and benefit from environmental actions.


Gender Equity as a Pillar of Sustainability


Women play a vital role in environmental management and conservation, often leading the way in sustainable agriculture, resource management, and climate resilience. However, despite their crucial contributions, women frequently face barriers that limit their participation and leadership in environmental decision-making processes. Gender equity in the context of sustainability means removing these barriers, empowering women and girls through education, and ensuring their participation in shaping environmental policies and practices. Studies have shown that when women are involved in decision-making, sustainability initiatives are more effective, innovative, and equitable.

Addressing Unique Challenges Faced by Women


Women, particularly those in developing countries and indigenous communities, are disproportionately affected by climate change and environmental degradation. They often bear the brunt of climate-related impacts due to their roles as primary caregivers and providers of food and fuel. Socioeconomic factors, including limited access to resources, education, and decision-making forums compound these challenges. Recognizing and addressing these unique challenges is essential for fostering an inclusive approach to environmental sustainability. Solutions must be tailored to meet the needs of women and ensure their resilience to climate impacts.

Inspiring Inclusion: Practical Ways to Make a Difference

In the spirit of International Women's Day, it's time to spotlight the pivotal role that younger generations play in driving the wheel of change toward a more inclusive and sustainable future. Here are some actionable ways to inspire inclusion that resonate with the energetic, connected, and environmentally conscious mindset prevalent among today's young women.


Leverage Social Media for Social Change


Social media is your stage, a powerful platform to amplify messages of inclusion, sustainability, and womanhood. Share stories, initiatives, and personal commitments to sustainability that inspire others to join the cause. Highlight the importance of including all voices in the sustainability conversation, showcasing the diversity of womanhood and the strength it brings to environmental activism.


Actionable Step: Use hashtags like #InspireInclusion to connect with a global community this International Women's Day. Share how you or your community are making strides in sustainability, from thrift shopping to advocating for eco-friendly policies, and encourage your network to do the same.

Support and Amplify Women-Led Initiatives


There's immense power in solidarity. Seek out and support initiatives led by women, especially those that focus on environmental sustainability. By doing so, you contribute to a culture that values and amplifies female leadership, fostering a more inclusive environment where all women have the opportunity to make an impact.


Actionable Step: Participate in or promote campaigns and projects that focus on women's empowerment and environmental conservation. Whether it's a beach clean-up or a social media campaign, your involvement matters.

Advocate for Inclusive Policies


Change often starts with a conversation. Engage in discussions, both online and in your communities, about the importance of inclusive policies that recognize the contributions of all women, including those from marginalized communities, in the fight against climate change.


Actionable Step: Write to your local representatives or use social media to advocate for policies that support gender equity in environmental decision-making. Your voice can influence change.

Educate and Be Educated


Continuously seek knowledge about the interconnectedness of gender equity and environmental sustainability. Education is a tool for empowerment—use it to empower yourself and others.


Actionable Step: Organize or participate in educational workshops or webinars that explore the roles of women in sustainability. Share your learnings with your peers to foster a community of informed advocates.

EcoBlvd's Commitment to Celebrating Womanhood and Sustainability

At EcoBlvd, we believe in the power of action and advocacy to create a more inclusive and sustainable world. Our commitment to celebrating womanhood and championing environmental sustainability is reflected in everything we do—from the products we design to the initiatives we support. Here's how we're working to inspire women and promote inclusion in sustainability.


Championing Sustainable Products


Our range of eco-friendly products, including compostable phone cases and bamboo wireless chargers, is designed not just with the environment in mind but as a celebration of womanhood in all its forms. We aim to empower our customers to make choices that reflect their values, supporting a sustainable lifestyle that honors the planet and its people.


Fostering an Inclusive Community


Our commitment to inclusion goes beyond our products. We strive to create a community where all women, including those from marginalized backgrounds, feel seen, heard, and valued. Through our platforms, we share stories of women making a difference in sustainability, highlighting diverse experiences and perspectives that enrich the environmental movement.


Educating and Advocating for Change


EcoBlvd is dedicated to educating our community about the importance of inclusion in sustainability. Through our blog, social media channels, and partnerships, we provide resources and insights on how to support gender equity in environmental efforts. We also advocate for policies and practices that promote inclusivity, ensuring that sustainability is accessible to all.



On International Women's Day 2024, we stand united in our commitment to fostering a world where inclusivity, sustainability, and the empowerment of all women are at the heart of our collective endeavors. Today, we celebrate the achievements and resilience of women worldwide, recognizing that our journey toward equity and environmental stewardship is intertwined with the principle of inclusion. Let this day be a reminder of the strength found in our diversity and the impact we can achieve when we work together for a sustainable and equitable future. Together, let's inspire change and make every action count towards building a more inclusive world for generations to come.