Taking care of our planet means caring for all its inhabitants and people!
Leah Thomas' words and ideas resonate with us as we celebrate intersectional environmentalism. We believe in "an inclusive version of environmentalism which advocates for people and the planet.” The culture of historically excluded or marginalized groups must extend to all those involved in achieving fair and empowering representation.
In fact, climate change and environmental issues have disproportionately impacted BIPOCs, LGBTQIA+s, the disabled, women, and those in poverty. They lack access to clean water, health care, and more due to their socioeconomic status. All people deserve a greener future, not just those who can afford it based on their positions or advantages.
As we lift each other and our communities, we will also be reshaping the landscape for the future and for environmentalism that is more open, equal, and inclusive!
“Climate Change and Social Inequality.” Department of Economic & Social Affairs. 2017, October.