A Sustainable Guide to Going Back to School

It's Not Just Pencils and Notebooks: Crafting a Greener Back-to-School Experience

As the academic year beckons, the familiar flurry of excitement and preparation sets in. But underneath the anticipation lies a stark reality – the back-to-school season, while brimming with fresh starts, also tends to usher in an era of over-consumption. This year, let's challenge the norms and take steps toward a more sustainable school year. It's not just about pencils and notebooks; it's about the planet.


Did you know that in the 2020-2021 academic year, first-year college students collectively spent an astonishing average of $1,226 on supplies? The quest for the latest trends and necessities often leads to a cycle of excess, resulting in waste and a considerable carbon footprint. Yet, with 92% of students agreeing that sustainable development should be actively integrated into academic institutions, it's clear that change is desired.


However, students are more than just worried; they're proactive in seeking solutions. Students, in particular, are worried and proactive in seeking solutions. A 2019 Princeton Review revealed that approximately 64% of college applicants consider a school's environmental commitment when making their decisions.


Here's where EcoBlvd steps in. As a beacon of sustainable choices, we believe that every back-to-school decision is an opportunity to make a positive impact. By choosing sustainable options, you're aligning with the ethos of a greener future. Our commitment extends beyond words; it is part of our offerings as well. From eco-friendly wall chargers to bamboo wireless chargers and stylish, compostable phone cases, we provide the tools to make your school year greener.

Join us in making conscious choices that not only enhance your academic journey but also nurture the planet we all call home. Together, we can navigate the over-consumption dilemma and create a more sustainable future. Sign up for our newsletter with your student email to stay seamlessly connected, receive invaluable insights, and become a pivotal part of the movement that's reshaping our educational institutions into green havens. And that's not all – enjoy a 15% discount when you join us with your student email, making your sustainable choices even more rewarding.


From Over-Consumption to Conscious Choices

The promise of a new semester brings the urge to acquire new items – the trendiest clothes,  backpacks, and the latest gadgets. It's a natural inclination driven by the anticipation of a fresh start. However, this desire for newness can quickly become a cycle of over-consumption, where we discard barely used items in pursuit of the next big thing. This cycle perpetuates waste, contributing to the growing problem of landfill overflow.


Further exacerbating this issue is the design and durability of many back-to-school supplies. Consider the flimsy binders that barely make it through a semester or the cheap headphones that stop working after a few months. These items are not built to withstand the rigors of college education, leading to their premature disposal and the subsequent need to replace them. The vicious cycle of short-lived products perpetuates the over-consumption trend and its associated environmental consequences.


Trends also play a significant role in driving over-consumption. Advertisements, peer pressure, and the fear of not fitting in encourage students to purchase the latest and greatest items, often regardless of their practicality or longevity. The rapid turnover of trends leads to a cycle of discarding perfectly functional items in favor of the next trend, further contributing to waste and excessive consumption.

Beyond financial implications, the environmental toll is profound. Each year, the education sector consumes approximately 3.8 million tons of paper in the United States, according to the Center for Green Schools. Much of this consumption occurs within colleges and universities, highlighting the need for more sustainable practices within the education system.


It's crucial to recognize the underlying factors that drive this over-consumption during back-to-school shopping. Understanding the impact of our choices and the cycle we perpetuate is the first step toward change. In the upcoming sections, we'll explore actionable tips and strategies to break free from this cycle, make sustainable choices, and embark on a back-to-school journey that not only enhances our education but also contributes positively to the environment.

Mindful Shopping: Quality Over Quantity


In a world that often glorifies mass consumption, adopting a mindset of mindful shopping can feel revolutionary. As college students gear up for another semester, the allure of shiny new things can be hard to resist. Yet, breaking free from the cycle of impulse purchases and instead embracing quality over quantity offers not just a daring stance but also a more sustainable path forward.


Here are some practical tips to guide you toward mindful shopping as you head back to school:


Prioritize Functionality: Before adding an item to your cart, take a moment to assess its true value in your academic and personal life. Consider whether that flashy new gadget or trendy accessory will genuinely enhance your learning experience or if it's merely a fleeting trend that might lose its charm after a short while.


By prioritizing functionality, you're making a conscious effort to choose items that align with your academic goals and practical needs. Opt for products that serve a clear purpose and contribute to your success in college. For instance, selecting a well-designed backpack that provides ample storage and ergonomic comfort can have a more meaningful impact on your daily routine than opting for a fashion-forward alternative. This mindful consideration ensures that your purchases contribute to your educational journey and minimize unnecessary waste.


Curate a Thoughtful List: Creating a thoughtful and well-curated list of essentials before you start shopping can be your compass in navigating the sea of options. Determine what you genuinely need for the upcoming semester based on your courses, living situation, and personal preferences.


Stick to your list as you shop, resisting the temptation to veer off track for items that might seem exciting at the moment but lack long-term value. Impulse purchases often contribute to clutter in your living space and generate unnecessary waste. By adhering to your curated list, you not only save money but also cultivate a sense of intentional consumption that aligns with your sustainability goals.


Prioritize Quality: When investing in back-to-school supplies, prioritize quality over low prices. It's important to recognize that quality should take precedence over initial cost. Investing in well-made, durable items may have a slightly higher price tag, but the benefits far outweigh the upfront expense. Quality products are designed to withstand the rigors of academic life, ensuring they last longer and perform better.


By prioritizing quality, you're actively combating the cycle of disposable consumerism. Cheaper alternatives often need frequent replacements, contributing to higher resource consumption, more waste, and, ultimately, a higher total cost over time. Opting for higher-quality items means you'll experience fewer disruptions due to replacements, leading to enhanced productivity and financial savings in the long run

Financial Savings: It's a common misconception that prioritizing quality means spending more money overall. In reality, investing in durable and well-crafted items pays off in the form of significant savings over time. While quality products might have a higher initial price, their longevity ensures that you won't need to replace them as frequently as their cheaper counterparts.


Consider purchasing a high-quality backpack that lasts for several years versus purchasing a cheaper one that needs replacement every semester. The cumulative cost of frequently replacing the cheaper backpack can quickly surpass the one-time investment in the durable option. By choosing quality over quantity, you're making a savvy financial decision that aligns with your sustainability goals.

Mindful Consumption: Practicing mindful shopping empowers you to be a conscious consumer. Instead of accumulating items that lose their appeal quickly, you'll have a curated selection of meaningful possessions that align with your values and lifestyle.


By making the deliberate choice to invest in quality items, you're actively contributing to waste reduction. Did you know that a study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that purchasing high-quality, longer-lasting products can reduce waste generation by up to 29%?


Incorporating mindful shopping practices into your back-to-school routine not only lightens your environmental footprint but also empowers you to lead by example. By valuing quality over quantity, you're defying the status quo and stating that sustainability matters.

Sustainable Savings: Thrifty Strategies with a Green Twist


As the excitement of returning to college takes hold, the financial aspect can sometimes cast a shadow. The costs of textbooks, tuition, and daily expenses can quickly increase. However, navigating the back-to-school season with a thrifty and eco-conscious mindset can ease the financial burden while contributing positively to the environment.


Here's how you can save money while embracing a sustainable approach to going back to college:


Rent or Buy Used Textbooks: Textbooks are notorious for their hefty price tags, often accompanied by a significant environmental impact due to their production and packaging. Fortunately, there's a greener and more budget-friendly option available: renting or buying used textbooks. Campus bookstores, online platforms, and student organizations often provide avenues for acquiring pre-owned course materials.


Beyond the cost savings, opting for used textbooks significantly reduces the demand for new printings, resulting in lower paper consumption and fewer resources utilized in production. Furthermore, consider digital versions of textbooks whenever possible. E-books not only eliminate the need for physical paper but also reduce transportation emissions associated with shipping.


Utilize Student Discounts for Eco-Friendly Products: Being a student comes with its perks, and now, as part of our commitment to supporting sustainable student lifestyles, we're excited to offer a special student discount at EcoBlvd! Enjoy a fantastic 15% off when you sign up for our student newsletter using your student email address. By stocking up on sustainable charging essentials and phone cases, you are able to make eco-conscious choices at a more affordable price.

As you begin the new school year, seize the opportunity to make a positive impact with eco-friendly products. From reusable water bottles and coffee cups to lunch containers and shopping bags, these items not only reduce single-use plastic waste but also foster habits that benefit both your wallet and the planet. So, before making a purchase, don't forget to inquire at local stores or explore online retailers to access student discounts on these sustainable essentials.


Share Sustainable Living Expenses: Living off-campus allows you to embrace sustainable living practices collectively with your roommates. By pooling your efforts and resources, you can make a more significant impact on the environment while saving money.


Consider adopting energy-efficient practices in your living space. Swap out traditional light bulbs for energy-efficient LED bulbs, unplug electronics when not in use, and optimize your thermostat settings. Collaborate with your roommates to reduce water waste by fixing leaks promptly and practicing mindful water usage.


Additionally, explore the possibility of participating in recycling and composting programs within your community. Sharing the costs of recycling and compost bins can be not only environmentally conscious but also financially beneficial in the long run


Limit Credit Card Use and Champion Ethical Banking: Managing your finances responsibly is crucial during your college years. While credit cards can offer convenience, they can also lead to unnecessary expenses and debts if not used wisely. Prioritize ethical banking options that align with sustainable practices and offer responsible financial management.


Choose banking institutions that invest in eco-friendly initiatives, community projects, and ethical investments. By banking with institutions prioritizing sustainability, you're supporting positive social and environmental change. Moreover, opting for paperless billing not only streamlines your financial management but also reduces paper waste and environmental impact.


Incorporating these strategies into your back-to-school routine not only helps you save money but also aligns with the sustainable mindset you're cultivating. A thrifty college journey need not compromise your commitment to a greener planet. By weaving sustainability into your financial choices, you're investing in a healthier future while navigating the academic landscape.

Empowering Sustainable Choices with EcoBlvd: Elevate Your School Year Responsibly


Prepare for a school year that aligns with your values, backed by EcoBlvd's innovative solutions designed to foster sustainability. Our products seamlessly integrate eco-consciousness into your daily routine, making it effortless to reduce waste, conserve energy, and champion a greener lifestyle.


LifeVine Charging Cables: Empower Your Connection with the Planet


Stay charged and connected while staying true to your sustainability goals with LifeVine Charging Cables. These cables do more than power your devices; they empower conscious charging. From USB-A to Lightning to USB-C to USB-C, they redefine the way you stay connected while reducing your environmental impact.


PowerPlant Dual-Port Wall Chargers: Energize Efficiency, Fuel Change


Elevate your charging experience and minimize your carbon footprint with the PowerPlant Dual-Port Wall Charger. Designed to evolve with charging demands, it's built from 100% recycled post-consumer materials, showcasing our commitment to resource conservation. Efficient charging protocols ensure your devices receive power sustainably, making a difference one charge at a time.


Bamboo Wireless Chargers: Bridging Technology and Sustainability


Experience wireless charging that bridges technology and sustainability with our Bamboo Wireless Chargers. Crafted from bamboo and recycled materials, they symbolize a harmonious connection with nature. By combining reclaimed aluminum, steel, and bamboo, these chargers balance efficient power with reduced waste, embodying a commitment to a greener world.


Phone Cases: Style, Strength, and Sustainable Impact


Make a statement for the planet as you stylize your phone case for the new school year. EcoBlvd's phone cases fuse style and strength with sustainability. The Mojave, Sequoia, and Laguna collections offer diverse protection choices, each connected to a meaningful cause. Choose the Mojave for desert conservation, the Sequoia for forest preservation, and the Laguna for ocean cleanup.


EcoBlvd: Where Sustainability and Innovation Converge


EcoBlvd is more than products; it's a path to conscious living. As you gear up for the school year, let us empower your sustainable journey. From LifeVine Charging Cables to the PowerPlant Dual-Port Wall Charger, Bamboo Wireless Chargers, and our impactful phone cases, we're your partner in creating a greener, more responsible school year. Join us in making a positive impact on the planet while advancing your education.


A Greener School Year Awaits

Get ready for a more sustainable school year with the insights you've gained.

Using student discounts and mindful shopping can help save money while protecting the environment. These steps enable us to make a positive difference in waste reduction and environmental care.

Join the movement for a greener back-to-school experience. Stay connected with EcoBlvd for ongoing eco-conscious solutions and guidance, and together, let's shape a more responsible and sustainable future.

September 01, 2023