The Extreme Weather of 2023: What You Need To Know, Act On, & Impact Change

Recent Weather Phenomena in 2023


As the year 2023 unfolds, the world finds itself in the midst of an extraordinary narrative, one etched with a series of extreme weather events. From January's record-breaking warmth to July's unprecedented global temperature spike, the stages are set for events that demand our attention, our understanding, and above all, our action. The urgency of addressing this growing frequency of extreme weather phenomena calls for a clear and factual examination, stripped of sensationalism or fear-mongering, aiming to inspire informed and impactful change.

Throughout the months of this year, we've observed an undeniable surge in extreme weather events. From hurricanes to heatwaves, tornadoes to torrential rains, these incidents transcend borders, reminding us that the impacts of climate change are shared by all corners of the world. The numbers speak volumes: a staggering rise in the occurrence of these events over the past three decades, a trend that experts and scientists find deeply concerning.


In this reality, adopting a matter-of-fact approach becomes all the more crucial. There's no space for naivety or denial, nor for undue panic. Instead, we must comprehend the root causes of these events, discern the reasons behind their increased frequency, and explore avenues for meaningful action. While individual choices play a role, the urgency of the matter necessitates systemic change driven by those in positions of power.


At EcoBlvd, we recognize the significance of this juncture and the pivotal role we all play in addressing these challenges. With an unwavering commitment to supporting relief efforts, we're proud to announce that 100% of proceeds from our Summer Collection will be directed towards Maui Rapid Response’s Maui Mutual Aid Fund, contributing to the restoration of the island after the recent wildfires. Our actions extend beyond fashion; they're a testament to the potential for collective impact.


Join us in this endeavor, sign up for our newsletter, and be a part of a community that's driving change on the #Root2Renew. The need for immediate and informed action has never been more pressing, and together, we can make a difference.

Overview of Extreme Weather Throughout the Year


The pages of 2023 have etched a narrative of extreme weather events that have punctuated each month with unyielding intensity. From the first flicker of January's warmth to the scorching blaze of July's record-breaking heatwave, the year has unfurled a tapestry of extraordinary events that demand our attention. We've highlighted some of the most noteworthy weather events on record in The Week's "Extreme Weather Events Of 2023" ongoing list.


January: Temperatures in the U.S. averaged 35.2 degrees Fahrenheit, the sixth-warmest January on record. The anomaly was propelled by a jet stream that carried warm Pacific air over the nation, alongside high-pressure systems pushing storms towards the west. In parallel, a historic number of atmospheric rivers brought unprecedented rains to California, breaking records for the third-wettest January on record, as well as 10 storms. These unrelenting rains alleviated drought conditions but also catalyzed floods and landslides.


February: The transition to February brought a whirlwind of contrasts. An ice storm swept across Texas and the Midwest, followed by freezing temperatures in the Northeast. Surprisingly, tornados marked the month, sweeping through the Midwest—a phenomenon rare for February. The nation then experienced a paradox of extreme cold and unseasonably warm temperatures. Southern California contended with winter storm conditions, disrupting travel, while the Southeast reveled in a taste of spring-like warmth.


March: Cyclone Freddy took center stage, devastating Madagascar and Mozambique before lasting over a month. As one of Earth's most powerful storms, Freddy's lethal reach spanned two countries, leaving in its wake over 400 fatalities, floods, disrupted infrastructure, and landslides. Tornadoes tore through the South, claiming lives and obliterating communities. The storm's EF-4 tornado rating and the devastation it left behind made it the most destructive tornado event in Mississippi in over a decade.


April: The Midwest, South, and mid-Atlantic felt the impact of a deadly storm system, leaving 32 dead and countless powerless due to tornadoes. CBS News reported that almost as many tornado deaths happened in the first three months of 2023 as in a whole year. The month also saw heatwaves sweep across Asia and the Mediterranean, with record-breaking temperatures becoming an alarming norm. 


May: Summer's approach heralded the arrival of wildfires, typhoons, and cyclones. Wildfires ravaged Alberta, causing air-quality concerns across the world. Cyclone Mocha struck Myanmar and Pakistan, leaving hundreds dead and rendering many homeless. The typhoon Mawar battered Guam, leading to widespread power outages and prompting a state of emergency.


June: Smoke from Canadian wildfires crossed borders, impacting air quality across the U.S. India grappled with a powerful heatwave that led to power outages and almost 170 deaths. Unprecedented tornados swept through Mississippi in June, bucking historical trends. Notably, two tropical storms formed in the Atlantic, marking an unusually early start to the hurricane season.


July: July marked a crescendo of extreme weather. The globe experienced its hottest four days on record, with July 6 recording a record-breaking global average temperature of 17.23°C. The effects of El Niño and warm oceans magnified the heatwave's impact. India's monsoon season also saw extreme flooding, while Canadian wildfires persisted, consuming nearly 25 million acres.

August: Hawaii battled severe drought conditions, with over a third of Maui county affected. Lahaina faced devastating wildfires. Hurricane Hilary left its mark by inundating Baja California Sur before sweeping through Southern California, bringing record rainfall. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia's Mecca experienced unexpected heavy rain, disrupting daily life and impacting pilgrims. 


The pages of 2023 have unfolded in a manner that requires not just recognition, but deep understanding. In the following sections, we delve into the underlying causes of these escalating phenomena, examining the factors contributing to their growth, and shedding light on the implications for our shared future.

Exploring the Causes of Increasing Extreme Weather

The surge in extreme weather events that punctuates 2023 beckons us to investigate the complex factors that fuel this unsettling trend. As we delve into the heart of this matter, it becomes evident that these events are not isolated incidents but are underpinned by a web of interrelated forces, many of which are exacerbated by the changing climate.


Human-Induced Climate Change: A pivotal force driving the intensification of extreme weather events is human-induced climate change. Over the past several decades, the Earth's average temperature has risen at an unprecedented rate due to the accumulation of greenhouse gasses. A study conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the correlation between rising temperatures and the increasing frequency of heatwaves and heavy rainfall. The report states, "Evidence from observations of increases in daily temperature extremes, heavy precipitation events, and droughts is consistent with a warming climate."

Warming Oceans as Amplifiers: The oceans, acting as a colossal heat reservoir, play a significant role in shaping weather patterns. The increase in ocean temperatures, driven by climate change, provides the energy needed to intensify tropical storms and hurricanes. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that "warmer ocean waters fuel the energy for more powerful storms." The intensification of hurricanes and cyclones is a direct result of the warmer ocean temperatures. 

Changing Jet Stream Patterns: The jet stream, a high-altitude wind pattern that influences weather systems, is also undergoing shifts due to climate change. As warming in the Arctic accelerates, the jet stream's meandering patterns become more pronounced, leading to the prolonged persistence of weather conditions. According to a study published in the journal "Nature Climate Change," the amplified jet stream patterns are associated with increased instances of prolonged heatwaves and droughts.

Statistics Illuminate the Trend: The statistics speak to this escalating trend. Data from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) reveals a marked increase in the frequency of once-rare events such as hurricanes, heatwaves, and heavy rainfall. Since the 1980s, the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has increased significantly, aligning with the warming of sea surface temperatures. Additionally, the NCEI's analysis of extreme temperature events shows a clear upward trend in the occurrence of heatwaves across the globe.


As we unearth the intricate threads that connect climate change to the intensification of extreme weather, it becomes abundantly clear that a comprehensive response is imperative. In the subsequent sections, we navigate the trajectory of this trend, exploring how events once deemed rare have become the norm, and delve into the collective actions required to mitigate and adapt to the challenges that lie ahead.

Taking Action to Mitigate Extreme Weather Impact


Amid the escalating impact of extreme weather events, concrete steps are crucial to drive meaningful change. Act now to wield your influence against this challenge, armed with quantifiable actions that have genuine impact on climate resilience and sustainable living.


Reduce Carbon Footprint: Globally, greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 53% from 1990 to 2019 according to the World Resources Institute. By embracing energy-efficient practices and reducing energy consumption, you can cut your personal carbon footprint by up to 20%, leading to a notable decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.


Support Renewable Energy: Renewable energy sources are poised to generate 85% of global electricity by 2050, says the International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA). By adopting solar panels or investing in wind energy projects, you're contributing directly to this transition and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.


Advocate for Policy Changes: A study by the Pew Research Center reveals that 74% of Americans say they support the country's participation in international efforts to reduce the effects of climate change. Your voice amplifies this call for change – engaging with policy-makers can lead to impactful shifts in climate policies, such as the adoption of cleaner energy standards.


Promote Sustainable Practices: A simple shift to plant-based diets can reduce individual carbon footprints by up to 73%, as indicated by research published in a recent study by Oxford University. Additionally, reducing plastic waste by using reusable bags and containers decreases plastic pollution, which accounts for approximately 8 million metric tons of plastic entering the oceans annually.


Community Resilience Building: Engage in local initiatives to bolster community resilience. A report by the National Institute of Building Sciences found that for every dollar invested in disaster mitigation, communities save an average of $6 in post-disaster recovery. Active participation can enhance community preparedness and decrease recovery costs.


Harness the power of numbers to create impactful change. Take steps that resonate not just in ideals, but in quantifiable results. As you embark on this journey to mitigate extreme weather impact, your efforts matter – they embody the percentages that translate into a sustainable future. Connect with us through our newsletter to stay engaged and drive collective change. Together, we forge a path towards a resilient world for generations to come.

EcoBlvd's Commitment to Addressing Extreme Weather


In a world where extreme weather is becoming the new norm, we recognize the vital importance of extending a helping hand to the communities most affected. The recent wildfires that swept through Maui left behind not only charred landscapes but also shattered lives.

In response, we're proud to pledge 100% of the proceeds from our Summer Collection to the Maui Mutual Aid Fund. This endeavor goes beyond a simple donation – it's a demonstration of our solidarity, compassion, and commitment to driving meaningful change.


Our actions resonate with the undeniable truth that the challenges posed by extreme weather demand collective action. Beyond the statistical analyses and climatic shifts, we find the heart of the matter: the resilience of communities. By supporting the Maui Mutual Aid Fund, we're forging a path toward renewal, embodying the very essence of our #Root2Renew movement.


This commitment is not confined to isolated instances. It's a beacon guiding our continuous efforts to mitigate the impact of extreme weather. Through sustainable practices, innovative products, and advocacy for policy changes, we strive to empower individuals and communities to navigate these challenges with strength and determination.


In a world where our shared future hinges on the choices we make today, EcoBlvd stands resolute. Our journey doesn't end with fashion or with our products – it's a roadmap that leads us toward a future where communities are not only equipped to withstand extreme weather but also poised to thrive in its wake.


Recognizing Urgency and the Road Ahead


Amid the challenges, hope shines through. By embracing sustainable practices and supporting initiatives and brands like us, we can drive positive change. Let's make our actions count – from reducing carbon footprints to aiding affected communities – as we collectively strive for resilience and renewal.


EcoBlvd's dedication to supporting those impacted by extreme weather is a symbol of unity and action.

Join us in this journey by contributing to the Maui Mutual Aid Fund. As we move forward, let's transform uncertainty into a story of resilience and positive transformation, ensuring a brighter future for all.

August 25, 2023